Bank loans are the most common, provided that you meet all the requirements. Usually, the rate of interest of bank loans is very high, the amount of funds you can get is very limited. That is why, most of the small business owners need to be aware that there are other options
Invoice discounting is a form of short-term borrowing often used to improve a company's working capital and cash flow position. Invoice discounting allows a business to draw money against its sales invoices before the customer has actually paid. To do this, the business borrows a percentage of the value of its sales ledger from a finance company, effectively using the unpaid sales invoices as collateral for the borrowing.
Although the end result is the same as for debt factoring (the business gets cash from its sales invoices earlier than it otherwise would) the financial arrangement is somewhat different.
3. Asset Based Lending
In the simplest meaning, asset-based lending is any kind of lending secured by an asset.
There are other options the above are just a few. If you would like more information please give Liquid Recovery a call on 0844 811 9463 or email